Preliminary schedule

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Time (CEST) Session Presenting author(s) Title/Event YouTube
08:50 Opening Session Opening Session
09:00 Keynote Altuna Akalin How AI will reshape life sciences research: Examples from the front lines
09:45 Short talk Francesc Català Moll Enhancing Test Development in Bioconductor Packages with roxytest and biocroxytest
09:56 Short talk Laurent Gatto Mass spectrometry-based proteomics/metabolomics and Bioconductor: from the early days to 2024
10:07 Short talk Ilaria Billato Benchmark of single-cell RNA-seq analysis workflows: evaluating scalability across R and Python
10:20 Break Break
11:00 Short talk Christophe Vanderaa msqrob2SCP: a flexible workflow for addressing the hierarchical correlation in SCP data
11:11 Short talk Daniela Corbetta Conformal inference for cell type prediction leveraging the cell ontology
11:22 Short talk Dr Oksana Sorokina Synaptome.db: a bioconductor package for analysis of synaptic proteomics data
11:33 Short talk Philippe Hauchamps Batch effect detection and visual quality control with CytoMDS, a Bioconductor package for low dimensional representation of distances between cytometry samples
11:44 Short talk Stefano Mangiola Annotating the Human Cell Atlas with HPCell: an extensible high-performance-computing grammar for omic analyses
12:00 Break Lunch break
13:00 Keynote Laura Symul Multi-omics integration reveals host-microbiota interactions in the vaginal ecosystem.
13:50 Package demo Dario Righelli SpaceTrooper, an R package for the preprocessing and quality control of imaging-based spatial transcriptomics data
13:50 Package demo Axel Klenk Pathway-centric analyses of omics data with GSVA
13:50 Package demo Marcel Ramos Pérez VisiumIO: Working with 10X Genomics Visium Data
14:30 Break Break
15:15 Keynote Florian Markowetz All models are wrong and yours are useless
16:00 Posters Poster pitches and poster session 1
19:00 Conference dinner Conference dinner - St Anne's College

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Time (CEST) Session Presenting author(s) Title/Event YouTube
09:00 Keynote Agne Antanaviciute In situ insights into intestinal interactions
09:50 Package demo Florian Auer Enhancing Reproducibility: A Comprehensive Workflow for Integrating and Visualizing Biological Networks
09:50 Package demo Yixing Dong Orchestrating spot and cellular resolution Spatial Transcriptomics workflow with Bioconductor – SpatialExperimentIO, STexampleData 2.0, and ggspavis 2.0
09:50 Package demo Kevin Christophe Rue-Albrecht Navigating and expanding the iSEE universe
10:30 Break Break
11:00 Short talk Samuel Gunz sosta: a framework to analyse spatial structures from spatial omics data
11:11 Short talk Joseph Lee BANKSY unifies cell typing and tissue domain segmentation for scalable spatial omics data analysis
11:22 Short talk Ellis Patrick Context is important! Identifying context aware spatial relationships with Kontextual.
11:33 Short talk Martin Emons spatialFDA - a tool for spatial multi-sample comparisons
11:44 Short talk Alexandre Segers Fast trajectory-based differential expression and splicing analyses
11:55 Awards Athena award
12:00 Break Lunch break
13:00 Keynote Virginie Uhlmann Towards FAIR and scalable bioimage analysis workflows using OME-Zarr
13:45 Short talk Anatoly Sorokin Analysis of Biomedical Networks with BioNAR
13:56 Short talk Fabrício Almeida-Silva A metric set to investigate the evolution of expression divergence following gene duplications in bulk and single-cell RNA-seq data
14:07 Short talk Yao-Chung Chen TEKRABber: A software for comparative analysis of gene regulatory networks including transposable elements
14:18 Short talk Persia Akbari Omgba crupR: a Bioconductor package to predict condition-specific enhancers from ChIP-seq experiments
14:30 Break Break
15:15 Short talk Stefania Pirrotta Uncovering mitochondrial activity by transcriptome data with mitology
15:26 Short talk Maryna Chepeleva Challenges in Integrating Transcriptomics and Metabolomics Data in Cancer Research
15:37 Short talk Simone Montalbano Development of a Convolutional Neural Network for Automated Copy Number Variants Validation and its Application in the UKB
15:48 Short talk Louis Le Nézet Pedixplorer: A modern R BioConductor package for efficient kinship analysis to draw and request complex pedigrees
16:00 Posters Poster pitches and poster session 2

Friday, September 6, 2024

Time (CEST) Session Presenting author(s) Title/Event YouTube
09:00 Package demo Stefano Mangiola Compositional analyses of the Human Cell Atlas with sccomp
09:00 Package demo Tuomas Borman miaverse – microbiome analysis framework within the SummarizedExperiment ecosystem
09:00 Package demo Min Hyung Ryu Integrating DNA methylation with RNA-seq in lungs: Demonstrating the tidyomics ecosystem
09:45 Flash talks Flash talks
10:30 Break Break
11:15 Birds of a Feather Birds of a Feather
12:00 Break Lunch break
13:00 Other Discussion sessions, workshops (TBD)